Wednesday, 7 May 2014

farley mowat dead

Farley Mowat, one of Canada's best-known authors and a noted environmentalist, has died at age 92.
Mary Shaw-Rimmington, the author's assistant, confirmed his passing to CBC News on Wednesday afternoon. Mowat died at his home in Port Hope, Ont.
  • Author and environmentalist Farley Mowat has died at age 92. He poses here during the filming of the 1989 CBC documentary Sea of Slaughter, based on Mowat’s book of the same name, which describes the wasteful destruction of wildlife on Canada’s east coast.
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Mowat, author of dozens of works including Lost in the Barrens and Never Cry Wolf, introduced Canada to readers around the world and shared everything from his time abroad during the Second World War, to his travels in the North and his concern for the deteriorating environment.
More than 17 million copies of his books, which have been translated into dozens of languages, have been sold worldwide. The gregarious writer was a consummate storyteller, whose works spanned non-fiction, children's titles and memoirs.
Describing Mowat as "a passionate Canadian," Prime Minster Stephen Harper touted the writer as "a natural storyteller with a real gift for sharing personal anecdotes in a witty and endearing way."
"His legacy will live on in the treasure of Canadian literature he leaves behind, which will remain a joy to both new and old fans around the world," Harper said in a statement Wednesday.
Earlier, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau remembered Mowat as "a family friend from my childhood" who "got along great with my father," former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, in comments to reporters in Ottawa.
farley mowat

farley mowat

  • WATCH: Justin Trudeau shares memories of Farley Mowat
He recalled that the writer once gave his family a dog, which they promptly named Farley, in his honour.
"Mr. Mowat was obviously a passionate Canadian who shaped a lot of my generation, growing up, with his books. He will be sorely missed," Trudeau said.
"We have lost a great Canadian today," NDP Leader Tom Mulcair said in a statement. "Farley Mowat’s work as an author and environmentalist has had a great impact on Canada and the world."
Fellow Canadian authors Margaret Atwood and Graeme Gibson remembered Mowat as "so good-natured and down to earth."

"Farley was a great and iconic Canadian who understood our environmental problems decades before others did. He loved this country with a passion and threw himself into the fray — in wartime as well — also with a passion," the pair said in a statement.

Controversial writer

Considered among one of the most widely read Canadian authors, the outspoken Mowat inspired passionate debate and courted controversy.
Though highly praised by his fans, he was also criticized for exaggerating in his writing and playing loose with facts — for instance, a devastating 1996 Saturday Night magazine cover story probed the considerable discrepancies between his original notebooks with his published works.
Still, Mowat defended himself, stating in the mid-1970s that he "eschewed the purely factual approach," but was not interested in writing fiction.
"My métier lay somewhere in between what was then a grey void between fact and fiction," he wrote.
He delivered an even stronger defence during a 1999 Harbourfront International Festival of Authors discussion with Peter Gzowski, the then CBC host who passed away in 2002.
When Gzowski challenged Mowat about the volume of facts needed in writing non-fiction, the passionate writer declared: "F--k the facts!"
"Farley was, on the world stage, a giant," Green Party Leader Elizabeth May declared on Wednesday, emotionally noting that she had been planning to call him next Monday to wish him a happy 93rd birthday.
She also defended her longtime friend, whom she described as a legendary storyteller who never told a tale that was untrue.
"In telling a non-fiction story, you're allowed to tell a story," she said, adding that Mowat felt incredibly hurt by the negative Saturday Night article from the mid-'90s.
"He knew how to tell a story, but he also knew how to tell the truth."

Rabble-rouser, 'kilt-lifter'

The rabble-rousing Mowat was also barred by U.S. immigration officials from crossing the border for a book tour during the mid-1980s.
He eventually learned it was due to an old security dossier supplied to the U.S. by Canadian officials and detailed the situation and his experiences in the book My Discovery of America. He also famously said that he was no longer interested in visiting the U.S. and would only reconsider "if Air Force One arrives at Pearson International Airport to pick me up."
He continued to vigorously share his strong opinions until the end, including criticizing the recent plan to bring Wi-Fi service to some of Canada's National Parks.
"Heaven knows he believed in the causes he adopted — and often they were unfashionable causes like the people of the North or animals or fish," according to his former publisher Doug Gibson.
"He was feisty, a fiery guy," who might tease about lifting his kilt at parties, Gibson recalled.
"He was small in stature, but a giant when it came to courage and the big issues."
Some of Mowat's writing also made the transition to film, including A Whale for the Killing (made into a TV movie), Never Cry Wolf (adapted as a U.S. drama in 1983) and his short story Walk Well, My Brother (which became the 2003 Canadian film The Snow Walker). He won a Gemini Award in 1991 for his work on the documentary The New North.

Mowat's survivors include his wife, writer Claire Mowat, and sons Robert and David.

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Eurovision Song Contest - Copenhagen 2014(Евровидение - 2014)

A children's choir, men in Viking hats waving miniature flags and ice skating accompanists, it was hard not to get caught up in the melodrama of this contest

If aliens were to steal your favorite singers and replace them with a slightly flimsy counterparts experience will undoubtedly akin to watching Eurovision in its 21st century incarnation. Competition high kitsch days apparently behind him, modern Eurovision entrants infinitely smooth and well-groomed, so they seem to be variations of plastic real pop stars. This can make for a slightly supernatural view: artists remind you of those better known, with enough difference to feel creepy. This certainly was the answer of the few in the UK hopes hit Molly Downs, pleasant warbler, which nevertheless involves a laboratory experiment in which the elements of Kate Bush, Florence And The Machine and Adele mixed in a petri dish.

Если инопланетяне украсть ваши любимые певцы и заменить их с немного надуманные аналогами опыт, несомненно, будет сродни смотреть Евровидение в своем 21-м веке воплощения. Конкурсные высокой китч дней, по-видимому за ним, современные абитуриенты Евровидения бесконечно гладкой и ухоженной, поэтому они кажутся вариации пластиковых настоящих звезд эстрады. Это может сделать для немного сверхъестественным зрения: художники напомнить вам о тех, более известный, с достаточным разницы чувствовать жутко. Это, конечно, был ответ из немногих в Великобритании надежды ударил Молли Downs, приятный камышевки, которая, тем не менее включает лабораторный эксперимент, в котором элементы Кейт Буш, Florence And The Machine и Адель, смешанный в чашке Петри.
Eurovision 2014
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There were also a few moments of recognition for half of the first semifinal, in B & W Hallerne Copenhagen. Of Armenia, Aram MP3 - kinda Naff nickname, which continues to exceed Eurovision thank God - was like Robin Thicke and sang like Coldplay Chris Martin. Ukrainian representative smell exuded by Katy Perry, Belgium came as man impersonating Celine Dion, Latvia merry troupe arrived in Copenhagen, dressed as TK Maxx Mumford and Sons (alas similarities extended to their musicality).

Были также несколько моментов признания за половину первого полуфинала, в B & W Hallerne Копенгаген. Из Армении, Арам MP3 - своего рода Naff прозвище, которое продолжает превышать Евровидение слава Богу - был как Робин Тик и пел, как Coldplay Крис Мартин. Украинское представительство исходит ли он от Кэти Перри, Бельгия пришел как человек выдает себя за Селин Дион, Латвия веселая труппа прибыла в Копенгаген, одетый, как TK Maxx Мамфорд и сыновья (увы сходства, предоставленных их музыкальности).
On hand to save us from the landslide were ululations intentioned commentators Scott Mills and Laura Whitmore. Under the rules of BBC, they approached the show with branches in disbelief. If not quite on par with shimmering sarcasm Terry Wogan - including a recently upgraded Graham Norton - their offscreen was imbued in skepticism, though, unfortunately, they did not so much wit shine as the lamp filament dull (and easily surpassed the tweeter, which felt that she fell into hysterics camp movie Black Swan).
На руку, чтобы спасти нас от оползня были ululations намерениями комментаторов Скотт Миллс и Лора Whitmore. По правилам BBC, они подошли к шоу с филиалами в недоверии. Если не совсем наравне с мерцающий сарказма Терри Воган - в том числе недавно обновили Грэм Нортон - их закадровый проникся в скептицизма, хотя, к сожалению, они не столько остроумие сиять, как лампы накаливания скучной (и легко превзошла твитер, который чувствовал, что она впала в истерику лагерь фильма Черный лебедь).

"She sings ... and dance - and it's hard to do," was the assessment of the Mills Tanja Estonia (he was mercifully restrained interview record bearded - Lady Austria Conchita Wurst). . "It is a human hamster wheel I'm really excited," chimed Whitmore later - one of those deals you only ever hear at Eurovision. They continued to speak for the Danish hosts - rough and, more importantly, causing headache, as you have been struggling to keep track of two foolish monologues simultaneously.

"Она поет ... и танцевать - и это трудно сделать", был оценка Mills Таня Эстонии (он был милостиво сдержанный запись интервью бородатый - Леди Австрия Кончита Колбаса). . "Это человеческая хомяк колеса Я очень рад," пробили Уитмор позже - один из тех сделок вы только когда-либо слышать на Евровидении. Они продолжали говорить за датских хозяев - грубые и, что более важно, в результате чего головной боли, а вы боролись, чтобы отслеживать двух глупых монологов одновременно

On the background of His Confrontation with Ukraine, Russia is A Potential Bogey. Nevertheless, Gemini Tolmachevy adorable Sisters Were Weapons - Russia defused an Awkward Position, serving until the equivalent of A Musical cutesy cat Videos Online. Also, Brothers and Sisters, dressed as interns Jedi Knights, swinging on a swing and started his speech entwined hair (not that prevent pyrotechnics elements in the audience whistle after they made ​​the final).
На фоне его противостоянии с Украиной, Россия является потенциальным пугала. Тем не менее, Близнецы Толмачевы очаровательны сестры Оружие - Россия обезвредили неловкое положение, где и работал до эквивалента музыкальный жеманным кошек онлайн видео Кроме того, братья и сестры, одетые как интернов рыцарей-джедаев, качается на качелях и начал свою речь переплелись волосы (не то, что предотвратить пиротехника элементы в аудитории свистка после того как они сделали окончательный) .

As a pop Stomper Stomper and follow pop hits power ballads rose to a deafening onslaught, you will inevitably began to tick a list of clichés. Children's choir, men in hats waving miniature flags Viking, skating accompanists cringe prompted introductory fragments (in which contestants recreate their national colors with balloon animals, confectionery, etc.) - All present and correct. The biggest departure was the use of the top three, but it is not traditional 'n its location. It felt excessive, especially in these two guys in the composition were dead ringers (to distinguish it was necessary to fashion specifications, other slightly more stubble).

Как поп Stomper Stomper и следуйте поп-парад питания баллады вырос до оглушительного натиска, вы неизбежно начали тикать список клише. Детский хор, мужчины в шляпах размахивая миниатюрные флаги Викинг, катание на коньках концертмейстеры съежиться предложено вступительные фрагменты (в котором конкурсанты воссоздать свои национальные цвета с воздушного шара животных, кондитерских изделий и т. д.) - все в порядке. Самая большая вылета было использование первой тройке, но это не традиционный н его расположение. Было такое чувство, чрезмерным, особенно в эти два парня в составе были мертвые звонари (различать надо было спецификаций моды, другой чуть больше стерни).

Of the 16 semifinalists, only ten will go on Saturday Eurovision correct. Tension was not exactly unbearable - certainly not even the most fanatical fan of Eurovision biting nails over Montegenegro or continued participation of Moldova. Nevertheless, it was hard not to be drawn into the melodrama as San Marino reached the finals for the first time and Shakira - Destinations Portugal suffered tears liquidation. Roll on Thursday as another tranche of the best karaoke Serenaders Europe fight.

Из 16 полуфиналистов, только десять пойдут в субботу Евровидения правильной. Напряжение было не совсем невмоготу - конечно, не даже самый фанатичный поклонник Евровидения кусаться ногти более Montegenegro или дальнейшее участие Молдовы. Тем не менее, трудно было не быть втянутыми в мелодраме как Сан-Марино дошла до финала в первый раз и Шакира - Направления Португалия пострадала слезы ликвидации. Раскатать в четверг в качестве еще одного транша из лучших караоке Serenaders Европы боя.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Stephen Baldwin arrested in Manhattan for driving with a suspended license

The Usual Suspects star, the youngest of the Baldwin brothers, was stopped by a police officer just before 07:00 in Sugar Hill, a district in Manhattan's Harlem neighbourhood, when he noticed an expired temporary registration sticker from Texas on the windshield of the actor's gold 2013 Ford Explorer.

sharp-eyed cop spotted an expired temporary registration sticker, issued in Texas, on the windshield of Baldwin’s gold 2013 Ford Explorer and pulled him over on Broadway near W. 156th St. about 6:45 a.m., officials said.

He was taken into custody after the policeman discovered he was also driving with a suspended licence.
A source told the New York Daily News that the 47-year-old actor was taken to the 33rd Precinct station house and released with a desk appearance ticket on the licence charge.
Further inspection revealed that the 47-year-old "Bio-Dome" actor, and brother of hot-headed hunk Alec Baldwin, had a suspended driver’s license, cops said

Stephen previously pleaded guilty to driving without a licence in 2012 after he was spotted making an illegal U-turn in the city.
He was not prosecuted but was forced to pay a $155 fine, and said at the time: "I have nothing but respect for the men and women in uniform."
It’s not the first time Baldwin has gotten into trouble with his vehicle. In 2012, he pleaded guilty to driving without a license after he made an illegal U-turn in Harlem. He paid $155 in fines and charges.

Last year, he also pleaded guilty to failing to pay three years' of state income tax and was ordered to pay $400 000 in back taxes, interest and fees.
Speaking outside a court in March 2013, he said: "Unfortunately, I got some really bad suggestions and advice ... from lawyers and accountants. I'm just grateful for the opportunity to rectify this situation."